Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Course Title

Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

6 Semesters


Mode of Study

Part-time Evening

Information for International applicants

Applicants must be in possession of:

Refer to the list of country-specific qualifications

  1. a Bachelor's degree in English from this University or from a higher education institution recognised by Senate, provided that they demonstrate, through appropriate certification and references, that they have undertaken at least 500 hours of teaching English or are in possession of a Malta Qualifications Framework Level 4 qualification in TESOL or higher or
  2. a Bachelor's degree from this University or from a higher education institution recognised by Senate, in an area of study deemed relevant by the Board, provided that they are either in possession of a Malta Qualifications Framework Level 4 qualification in English or an IELTS 7 or equivalent and have undertaken at least 1000 hours of teaching English or, if they have no teaching experience, they will be required to follow and successfully complete the University of Malta Certificate in ELT or
  3. a DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults) or Dip.TESOL (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) qualification or equivalent, including relevant teaching experience.

Applicants for the Course may be required to demonstrate through an interview that they have sufficient proficiency and background to be able to follow the Course with profit. In certain such instances the Board may recommend that applicants follow a preparatory programme.

In cases where applicants lack essential knowledge in particular areas not covered in their qualifications, the Board of the Centre may require students admitted to the Course to follow and pass supplementary study-unit/s to which not more than 12 ECTS credits are assigned in addition to the programme of study.

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You can submit your application online. The deadlines for submission of applications vary according to the intake and courses. We encourage all international applicants to submit their applications as soon as possible. This is especially important if you require a visa to travel and eventually stay in Malta.

You can compare your national qualifications to the local requirements by visiting our qualifications comparability webpage. Access more information about our admission process and English language requirements.

The University of Malta has student accommodation on campus called Campus Hub. Campus Hub is just a 2-minute walk from the main campus. For more information, visit the accommodation website.

Our dedicated team at the student recruitment office is here to support you every step of the way. From the moment you start your application to the moment when you receive your decision letter, we're here to assist you. If you have any questions or need further information, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at, and our team will be more than happy to help.

After you receive an offer from us, our International Office will assist you with visas, accommodation and other related issues.

This programme of study is also offered on a full-time basis. Please consult the Registrar's website for more information pertaining to courses offered by the University.

The taught MA in Applied Linguistics and Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) provides an opportunity for closely mentored postgraduate learning and research in the theoretical and practical aspects of applied linguistics and TESOL. This programme aims to assist in your development of a better-informed English language professional who is well equipped to research and contribute to language policy, course design and delivery, teacher education and professional development, and TESOL management. It enhances awareness of issues surrounding the learning of English by speakers of other languages in different contexts around the world and it leads to a range of career paths in the international TESOL industry. It offers focused and scholarly engagement with current theory and practice in second language acquisition, the learning of language skills and systems, the evaluation of English language proficiency, the use of digital technology in TESOL, and English for Specific Purposes.

The taught MA in Applied Linguistics and Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) provides an opportunity for closely mentored postgraduate learning and research in the theoretical and practical aspects of applied linguistics and TESOL. This programme aims to assist in your development of a better-informed English language professional who is well equipped to research and contribute to language policy, course design and delivery, teacher education and professional development, and TESOL management. It enhances awareness of issues surrounding the learning of English by speakers of other languages in different contexts around the world and it leads to a range of career paths in the international TESOL industry. It offers focused and scholarly engagement with current theory and practice in second language acquisition, the learning of language skills and systems, the evaluation of English language proficiency, the use of digital technology in TESOL, and English for Specific Purposes. It also provides the opportunity to conduct corpus-based research in English as a second and foreign language. This programme benefits from the expertise of specialist tutors of international repute with knowledge of various aspects of applied linguistics, as well as experience of the global TESOL sector. The M.A. in Applied Linguistics and TESOL furnishes you with the knowledge and skills needed to occupy a variety of academic and managerial roles worldwide. It also facilitates the process of pursuing future studies and research in applied linguistics and TESOL.

Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2)
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
ELP5006 Research Methods in TESOL 10 ECTS    

Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
ELP5004 Applied Linguistics for TESOL 5 ECTS    
ELP5064 Developing English Language Proficiency 5 ECTS    

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
ELP5003 Second Language Acquisition 5 ECTS    
Elective Units (Elective units are offered subject to availability, a minimum number of student registrations and time-table constraints)..

Students are required to choose one study-unit to the value of 5 ECTS credits from the elective study-units on offer below:
ELP5000 TESOL Leadership and Management 5 ECTS    
ELP5002 English for Specific Purposes 5 ECTS    


Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
ELP5031 Advanced Grammar 10 ECTS    
ELP5063 Evaluating English Language Proficiency 5 ECTS    

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
ELP5007 TESOL Practicum 15 ECTS    


Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2)
Compulsory UnitsStudents are required to register for ONE of the following study-units:
ELP5010 Dissertation 30 ECTS    
ELP5020 Project-based Dissertation 30 ECTS    


This programme of study is governed by the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2021 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - M.A. - under the auspices of the Centre for English Language Proficiency.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the key interdisciplinary elements of the different foci (grammar; corpus-based research for ELT; Language usage; Second Language Acquisition; Language proficiency development and assessment; Classroom discourse; TESOL management; English for Specific Purposes; etc.) offered by the programme;
  • Evaluate the importance of learner motivation in language learning;
  • Develop a keen sense of self-evaluation in your knowledge and use of the English language;
  • Communicate flexibly and incisively in English in professional settings;
  • Reflect on and analyse the use of English as a second/foreign language; and
  • Develop meta-disciplinary awareness in relation to TESOL and the diverse approaches represented therein.

  • integrate the different theories and practices of the disciplines introduced by the programme;
  • create and redesign approaches to describing/analysing/teaching English in different contexts;
  • delineate and mediate the convergence between disciplines;
  • identify criteria for establishing terminologies and methodologies in applied linguistics and TESOL;
  • describe essential concepts and categories of the English grammar;
  • demonstrate sensitiveness to different perceptions about English language use in different contexts;
  • assess and account for different aspects of change in English language use across different contexts;
  • evaluate the different approaches to developing and evaluating learners' English language proficiency
  • describe a range of methods and approaches that have been devised in order to facilitate the process of mastering a broad range of ESPs;
  • have an eclectic appreciation of complementary and contrasting approaches in applied linguistics and TESOL; and
  • apply the findings of research on digital technology to classroom practice;

In terms of Subject Knowledge and Understanding, the programme provides opportunities for you to demonstrate the abilityto:

  • identify the methodologies necessary for producing and interpreting sets of language data; design different research questions and refine your terminologies for conceptualising and testing specific aspects of language;
  • identify the methodologies necessary for interpreting events in language learning contexts; design different research questions and refine your terminologies for conceptualising and testing specific aspects of TESOL methodology;
  • describe how the language of texts is processed at the levels of reception/cognition;
  • identify the major learning problems learners have with grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and the productive and receptive skills;
  • identify the major methods and approaches to the development and evaluation of English language proficiency;
  • identify the key issues involved in course design and delivery, TESOL management, professional development, and language learning;
  • identify the key issues involved in developing and evaluating learner's English language proficiency;
  • identify the research methods that need to be adopted when conducting TESOL practicum;
  • identify tools and resources used for corpus analysis;
  • describe the issues that specifically concern the development and evaluation of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, receptive and productive skills;
  • describe measures that facilitate the valid and reliable assessment of English language proficiency;
  • identify the key theories and approaches in second language acquisition and how these have shaped current research;
  • relate SLA theory to a variety of teaching and learning contexts;
  • identify the key theoretical and practical issues related to the learning of English for Specific Purposes (ESP); and
  • the key theoretical and practical issues related to the use of digital technology in TESOL.

In terms of Intellectual Development, you will be helped to:

  • use grammar as a system of resources for creating meaning in context;
  • analyse the grammatical patterns of various texts and how they are organized;
  • assimilate and adapt theoretical models within practical analysis;
  • critically examine a range of significant research studies and findings across applied linguistics and TESOL;
  • generate interdisciplinary dialogue across the different components of the programme;
  • apply a range of methodologies, sub-disciplines and theoretical approaches in applied linguistics and TESOL research;
  • apply theoretical principles to TESOL contexts by means of a practicum;
  • apply your knowledge of how English language proficiency is developed and evaluated to a variety of TESOL contexts, materials and learners;
  • adapt methodologies to new contexts;
  • analyse methods in relation to spoken and written discourse stored in electronic and non electronic formats;
  • a range of methods and approaches that have been devised in order to facilitate the process of mastering a broad range of ESPs;
  • apply your knowledge of the use of digital technology in TESOL to a variety of learning contexts, professional development and action research projects; and
  • analyse the structure and content of various TESOL materials and adapt them to different groups of learners.

Key Transferable Skills imparted during the programme include:

  • development of independent learning, self-evaluation, and critical and analytical thought;
  • enhanced and effective communication in spoken and written English;
  • generation of tenable hypotheses for research purposes; use of computer-mediated research skills;
  • write critically and engagingly about theoretical and practical issues;
  • summarise and critique theory and practice in oral and written forms; and
  • evaluation of language resources (language corpora and TESOL materials).
  • Skills relevant to Employability and Personal Development nurtured during the programme include:
  • development of professional writing skills in the discipline;
  • development of oral presentation skills;
  • development of metalinguistic abilities;
  • development of independent research skills and critical thinking;
  • development of TESOL course design training, consultancy and academic management skills;
  • appraisal of the relationship between academic, professional, public and user conceptions of language;
  • undertaking of practice-oriented research in language applied linguistics and TESOL; and
  • development of new theoretical directions in emerging fields of study.

Non EU Applicants:

Total Tuition Fees: Eur 4,800
Fee per semester: Eur 800

You are viewing the fees for non EU nationals. Switch to EU nationals if you are a national of any country from within the EU/EEA.

The M.A. in Applied Linguistics and Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages enables you to fill such positions as those of Director of Studies, trainer, course designer, examiner, consultant, etc. It also makes you eligible for doctoral study in TESOL.

Humanities Stream


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